Investor Relations Captor Therapeutics ®
Summary of P share subscription - supplement to current report no. 45/2023 of 11 October 2023
Current report no.: 53/2023
Drafting date: 3 November 2023.
Subject: Summary of P share subscription - supplement to current report no. 45/2023 of 11 October 2023.
Legal basis: Art. 56(1)(2) of the Public Offering Act - current and periodic information
The Management Board of Captor Therapeutics S.A., based in Wrocław, Poland (the "Company"), in addition to current report no. 45/2023 of 11 October 2023, announces information on the costs related to the subscription of ordinary bearer shares of series P.
12. The amount of the total costs which have been included in the costs of issue, indicating the amount of costs by title, broken down at least into costs:
a) the preparation and conduct of the offer
The costs of preparing and conducting the offer of ordinary bearer shares of series P amounted to approximately PLN 1,104 thousand net.
b) the underwriters' remuneration, for each separately
Not applicable.
c) the preparation of the prospectus, including consultancy costs
Not applicable.
d) the promotion of the offer
Not applicable.
The total costs mentioned above amounted to approximately PLN 1,104 thousand net.
The method of accounting for costs in the accounts and how they are recognised in the issuer's financial statements:
The costs incurred by the Company for the issue of the Company's series P ordinary bearer shares have been accounted for in the Company's accounts and the Company's financial statements as follows:
The costs incurred by the Company, amounting to approximately PLN 1,104 thousand net, reduced the Company's capital reserve (agio) created from the excess of the issue value of the issued shares over their nominal value.
13. The average cost of carrying out the subscription or sale per unit of security subscribed for or sold:
The average cost of conducting a subscription or sale of the Company's shares per unit of security subscribed or sold was approximately PLN 2.76.