Investor Relations Captor Therapeutics ®
Notification of a reduction in the number of shares held in the Company
The Management Board of Captor Therapeutics S.A. with its registered office in Wrocław (“the Company”) announces that it received a notification from Mr Michał Walczak of a reduction in his share in the total number of votes in the Company, drawn up pursuant to Article 69(1)(2) and (2)(1)(a) of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies.
The decrease of the share in the total number of votes is connected with the registration of the increase of the Company's share capital carried out through the issue of 822,467 ordinary bearer shares of series T, of which the Company informed in the current report No. 47/2024 dated 30 December 2024.
The content of the notification is attached to this report.